your wedding limo car

Although we are not experts in floral arrangements, in our years of service we have seen many trends in this regard. Here are some tips for you to choose the most suitable flower arrangement for your Limo and for your marriage:
The guests remember more the color palette you used and the floral arrangements in general than the detail of them. Try to have harmony between the arrangements you have chosen and the style of your wedding.
Hire the florist a long time in advance. This will allow you to coordinate all the details, make any adjustments and give you both time to prepare things well.
Find an expert florist. Not every florist can arrange flower arrangements for weddings and much less to decorate a Limousine. Ask your florist for his experience in this regard. An experienced florist will guide you better about the type, quantity of flowers and accessories you need.
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Look for simplicity. A well-designed arrangement can be even more dazzling than exotic flowers like orchids, tulips, etc.
Bring magazine clippings and photos to your first meeting with the florist, so you give him an idea of ​​what you want and you will know if you can work it out. Also remember that when a provider sees that the bride has done her homework, in addition to being pleasantly impressed, she will work in more detail and will be much more specific in her proposals.

Give your florist an adequate time to prepare things, in this way if something unexpected happens it can be solved and get your arrangements to be as you want.


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